
LinkedIn for Personal + Business

½ Day・9AM - 12PM

This introduction to the platform offers best practices for personal and business use, and considerations for using LinkedIn to grow your network.

Let’s talk about the climate surrounding the platform, who uses it, and how and why they use it.

Get a feel for the interface and components available, learn basic LinkedIn terminology and functions.

How to optimize your profile and what to consider when building your personal brand.

How to optimize your business profile and page, and what to consider when building your business brand.

As with any effective social media platform, you need to strategize and plan how you will engage and grow your network with valuable, relevant content.

There are many advantages to growing your personal and professional networks on LinkedIn. We’ll show you how to do it.

If you’re not posting every day, how else can you use LinkedIn to your advantage?

Let’s take a look at the tools and process for creating ads, and some things to consider before you spend any money.

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