December 16, 2021

ICYMI: Instagram now lets all users share links in Stories

And yes, we are excited about it! 


Instagram recently announced that ALL users can now access the Link Sticker feature in Instagram Stories. Previously, this was exclusive to accounts with at least 10,000 followers. 


They also got rid of the classic “swipe-up” link and the Link Sticker displays seamlessly with the rest of the interactive stickers, featuring a link icon and the URL you want to display . 


Why Should Your Business Care?


The link eliminates the need for businesses to direct people to click the link in their bio, by simply sharing a link in your Stories instead. This makes it significantly easier for viewers to access your content outside of Instagram—from directing your them to a website, linking them to a product to purchase, getting them to read an article and more. 


For small businesses, it evens the playing field by allowing you to use this sticker whether you have 10 followers or 10,000. 



How to Add Link Stickers to Instagram Stories. 


First, create a Story 


Open the Instagram app and tap the plus icon on the top right corner. Select Story from the menu and create your Story. 




Then add a Link Sticker to your Story


After you’re done creating your Story, tap the sticker icon Sticker, smiley, emoticon, emoji icon - Download on Iconfinder at the top of the screen. Select the Link sticker.



Once you select the Link sticker, it will prompt you to add a URL. 



PRO TIP: proofread the link before hitting done. 


Now place and resize the Link Sticker. 


Move your sticker around by dragging it anywhere on the screen. To resize the sticker, use two fingers to increase or decrease the size. You can also angle it any way you want.  



Go ahead, share your Story! 


Hit the arrow on the bottom right corner of the screen and hit share to send it out to your audience. 




Remember to double check your work and view your Story. 


See what your audience sees. View your Story and make sure the link work—broken links are a no-no!



5 Ways to Use Link Stickers With Instagram Stories


Need some inspiration on what to share as a link to your Stories? Here are some ideas: 


1. Show off a blog post – don’t be afraid to bring forward some of your older content. 


2. Drive your audience to a website. 


3. Get more signups for a newsletter. 


4. Send them to an event page to purchase tickets. 


5. Cross promote for another organization. 


Now that you know how to successfully share links on your Stories, there are lots of opportunities to use this handy sticker.  Happy link sharing!



BONUS: Our Favourite Interactive Sticker


We can’t get enough of the Poll Sticker. Use this sticker to create a customizable survey for fun. People who view your Story can vote in the poll, and you’ll see the responses with names attached.


Here’s how to use it:


Click the sticker icon and tap the “Poll” sticker.



Type out a question and two different answers. Instagram provides default answers of “yes” or “no”, but these are customizable with words up to 22 characters.


Pro Tip: you can also add emojis! 



Want more fun Instagram Stories tips? Click here.