10 Awesome Content Examples That Will Inspire You

Here’s the thing… writing content isn’t easy during a time of crisis. If your business is struggling with what to post right now, we’ve got you covered!


Check out these 10 AWESOME content examples from Saskatchewan businesses and what we like about their posts.


1. Be positive, be grateful:


These very positive posts celebrate staff and community, and also shows gratitude to their customers.


2. Acknowledge the situation and communicate clearly:


This post does a great job of informing and reassuring people.


3. Acknowledge the situation and be empathetic:


This post informs the audience about their business situation and also shows empathy in the way they are supporting their staff.


4. Share wins whenever possible, be grateful:


We all love a heartwarming post. There are so many positive things (even things that seem small) to talk about, and it’s easy to make people feel good with your posts. Check out this post that will make you go “awhh”.


5. Contribution over conversion:


A great example of how a small business can still make a difference while struggling to make it through this crisis.


6. Communicating clearly and often with your customers:


Let them know what your business is doing to adapt, and keep sharing so they get the most up-to-date info at all times.


7. Finding a way to remain relevant:


For example, tourism is not a relevant industry in our daily lives right now, but helping to make people feel a bit better is always a great idea.


8. Finding a way to remain relevant, offering value:


Two things make this post matter to their audience: referencing ‘home’, knowing their audience will do anything to make it a nice, comfy place these days, and mentioning their curb-side delivery solution.


9. Maintain relevance:


The context of this post brings relevancy to a non-essential business, creating a post many can relate to.


10. Maintain relevance, think contribution over conversion:


A distillery that starts to produce hand sanitizer which they give out in exchange for a charitable donation. So good.



Shoutout to these businesses for getting creative and inspiring all of us to give our social media a boost!


Still wondering what to do next? Well we’ve created a survival guide to help you move forward with marketing your business on social media thoughtfully and confidently.


This handbook contains recommendations, guidance, and more examples of the type of content your audience is looking for during a crisis.